lauantai 24. tammikuuta 2015

Kauneimmat kiitokset

Kauneimmat ja aidoimmat kiitokset saamme suoraan asiakkailtamme...

Hurmaava Ksenia

Dear Kaunis Morsian!

I would like to thank you for your service, dress which you helped to choose and your golden hands which worked on accessories for my wedding outfit.

In my home country brides usually share with bridal salons photos from the wedding to thank for the help in such an useasy thing as choosing the One and Only dress. I think it is nice thing to do - to show gratitude and appreciation.

I am very pleased with my choice - the dress was very simple and elegant. It served me well and withstood all wedding day challenges perfectly. And of course - the center of all ensemble was unique fascinator. All elements got together and I felt really beautiful at my wedding day.

Thank you once again. Good luck with your work and I wish you success in the future! Let the every day bring peace, light and love!

Best regards,

Ksenia on kaunis ja hänen pukunsa istuu kuin hansikas. Fascinator, päähine on morsiamen kruunu (ja huntu!) Käsineet täydentävät kokonaisuuden.
Ksenia, You look extremely beautiful. The whole package. Best Regards, Kaunis Morsian

Rakkaat kauniit morsiamet, otamme lämpimästi vastaan kuvianne!

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